Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Of Firesides, New Biker Babe and Beyond...

For a day that seemed like it would never come, Friday the 3rd came and went with all the sluggishness of a wild rabbit fleeing its demise. The days preceding passed like mud, although I tried my best to enjoy the anticipation of picking Sara up at the airport and spending a long weekend with her.

It was a weekend of meeting lots of people (sorry Sara), spending time with close friends, late nights talking, and most importantly giving Sara her first motorcycle ride, an activity which we did for the first half of Saturday.

Justin and Rachel Lonas (the ones responsible for Sara and I meeting) came up for the weekend, and Saturday night was spent at Justin’s parent’s house sitting around a fire talking and watching the frost settle in for the night. Although the fire and anti-oxidants tried their best to keep us all warm, they eventually proved to be insufficient and shivering and beating time with our teeth we scrambled up to the warm house to finish out the evening.

Growing up, Justin, Boone Berlin and I were known as the “three Amigos”, and in keeping with tradition Boone also came up for the weekend for a reunion of sorts. He was unable to make it to our ‘fireside chat’, but the five of us (two women added to the mix now) spent a great afternoon together on Sunday. His parents and mine also came over for lunch (hosted by the Lonas’s) and the afternoon was spent in great conversation, eating, and such. Poor Boone…we all went for a walk and feeling somewhat left out Boone proclaimed that he was the ‘fifth wheel’, and to make himself feel better took my suggestion and held his own hands. Not quite as romantic, but what the hey…

Sara had never seen Groundhog Day. Can you believe it? So we remedied that serious problem Sunday evening. Problem solved.

It was hard letting Sara leave. The drive back down to the Charlotte airport was way too quick, although it was spiced up by Sara suddenly realizing that she had accidentally neglected to grab her photo ID and credit card at my house. The flight was scheduled to leave in just over an hour and a half, and we were two hours from the house. Sara prepared a sob story for the check-in clerk, and was geared up to let it fly when the calm clerk responded, “that’s not a problem.” Oh…how nice. So we checked her in and sat for a while, neither one of us wanting to be the party pooper. Eventually the ticking clock came in to disrupt our moment and we had to walk away from each other. Nothing I have ever done has felt so completely wrong. Oh well. All in due time. Insha’allah.

So now we settle in for a long while of emails and such.

This past weekend was absolutely glorious. God is good.


At 5:41 PM, Blogger ethan demme said...

sounds and looks like a sweet weekend :-) and congrats on the biker babe ;-)

At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin ... what are you doing with that thing in your hand? You're covering Jordan's beautiful smile.

ttyl. ;-)


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