Of A Curious Life and Anticipating Weekend Pleasures...
My life has been rather curious of late. Overseas adventure, being in limbo with my job, and a sudden and delectable romance, blossoming, as it were, overnight and with such fervor and sweetness that I and my entangled maiden are struck with simple awe at the developments. Neither she nor I could have possibly imagined as we awkwardly met at our friend's wedding, just three and a half weeks ago, that the first weekend in November would be spent with Sara actually wanting to come and see me and my family. And further, that this particular weekend would have followed three weeks of prolific emails and a visit to her home town to spend time with her and meet her parents.
Truly, truly amazing.
So, this post is to make it known that the fair Sara Davis will be making an appearance in Boone this weekend. I would love for as many of you that can to meet her, but I also want to make it clear that time is like precious stones...it is precious and limited. If some of you would like to meet her, we'll be attending Alliance Bible Fellowship on Sunday. Can't guarantee much...
Darfur is still on the agenda, although the hopes of ever returning there are fading. When I consider this weekend, I cannot help but realize that God has moved the heart of a king (president Bashir of Sudan) to make it possible. It is his decision about Americans traveling in Sudan that is keeping me in the States. I know that is a selfish perspective. But I'm entitled to my opinion, and Sara is worth moving the heart of a king for. So, thanks God.
By the way, I put the photo I took of bougenvillae blooms with this post because they are beautiful, and this weekend is beautiful and Sara is beautiful. Makes sense to me...
Hmmm, this girl sounds too good to be true. Perhaps you should introduce me to her *wink*
I am counting the days....
so are we
Oh gosh, I love the sap. Jon, you are like a cedar that ever floweth with that sticky substance.
;-) teasin ya. Gotta love it.
have a beautiful weekend, just like that beautiful flower on your beautiful blog.
jor - the beautiful
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