Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Of Developments...again

Of Sara...
Sara and I met at a friend's wedding. She was the Maid of Honor, I the Best Man. She was strikingly beautiful, I devilishly handsome. One thing led to another and shortly after the wedding we began to write to each other and have since cumulatively produced over 65 pages of correspondence, as our desire to get to know each other blossomed and bore the fruit of prolific communication.

After a little over a week, it became apparant that there was more than just a 'surface' friendship in the works, and so I called her to explain myself and where I was on the page of this bizarre adventure. She was at the same place, and before we knew it I was buying a ticket to fly to see her and her family.

We spent the weekend together, something which proved to be supremely good, and now we are settled into enjoying our courtship as best we can over distance. As I said, we are both blown away at what is happening, thanking God for what is happening, and looking to trust Him for the future.

Of Sudan...
I am currently in limbo about my return to Darfur. Due to the infantile nature of current international politics, Americans in Sudan are restricted to the city of Khartoum. As my work is solely in Darfur, this means that I cannot get back to work. I was going to travel and hang out in Khartoum until this situation blew over, but my superiors decided it would be best if I do said 'hanging' in the comforts of my own home, and more importantly, not on Samaritan's Purse's tab. I am still being paid according to my contract, but meals and such, which are covered for us while on the job, are not included while at home.

I have a buffer of two weeks, and if I cannot get back to Sudan in that time, then I will have to seriously consider contingencies. I have a few options open to me, and I am currently investigating them, but right now I cannot plan anything definitive. It is frustrating to be held in such limbo, but I have no doubt that God brought me back from Sudan, and I certainly am not dissatisfied for having to have come back, so I can take what I see to be Divine intervention and then trust Him to provide similar guidance for my future. I could play the 'if I had not come back...' routine, but the outcome of that venture would leave me in a position that is distinctly less pleasant than the one I find myself in now. Alhumdel'allah.




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