Sunday, June 18, 2006

River Shooting to Table Conquest to A Smooch on the Cheek

Of Ping Pong and such…
Today, Sunday the 18th of June, we spent about five more hours filming a scene by a river. As it has been the sun was ovenlike but much of my scenes were filmed with me standing in the river. The water was so deliciously cool. Glory be.

After dinner and several games of boggle (the Niednagel’s love boggle, as do I) we retired to the Ping Pong table where in spite of Nathan’s, Jordan’s and Jordan’s brother Jeremy’s efforts I reigned as king. I can’t remember how many games we played but I was just impossible to unseat. There were even games that seemed as if my opponent would emerge victorious but somehow in the end I conquered. I had a tremendous amount of fun but I imagine there are some folks going to bed tonight feeling very sorry for themselves. Eventually I’m sure I’ll crack, but right now I’m in the groove. It feels good.

Jeremy and his wife Danielle have a little girl named Kalea who is just under two years old. She is your above average cute little girl and quite well trained. Believe it or not she actually loves to eat ‘Cod Liver Oil’ and zucchini, and squash and all those things that parents have tried to cram down their children’s throats for ages. With most of the people here she is very personable and charming and loves to be held and cuddled with by them.

With me, there is a different tale. The first time I was here back in April she expressed great concern every time I drew near and it took the two weeks that I was here to finally get her to start being comfortable with me at least being near her. This time I have taken it upon myself to pull out all of the stops and get this girl to like me. I am persistent and such endurance is beginning to wear off.

I think it is my hair and beard. I am kind of scary looking. At first when I arrived she would have nothing to do with me. Then it progressed to a morbid fascination with me. Then it elevated to a smile here and there. Then it escalated to laughing and smiling and being pleasantly fascinated with me. That was the case as long as I stayed about ten feet away. She would be laughing and giggling and pointing and such but as soon as I stepped past that imaginary line she would freak and run around a corner.

Lately I have been trying to get her to dance with me. Her parents like to play classical music throughout the day and so there is always some song to waltz to or something. So while she watches I will pretend to ‘dance’ around the room and then dance over to her and ask her to dance. “No’. Okay, maybe later. I shall prevail.

Today, when we were all leaving her house after dinner I gave her kisses on her hand and scratched my beard on her arm and she giggled. I asked for a kiss and leaned in…at first she leaned away but then as I pouted and pulled away she eagerly leaned forward and planted a big one on my cheek. Success!

I shall get a dance out of her before I go.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger DOC said...

i do recall one dreary evening in the filth hole known as nyala, where a young warrior reigned victorious over this so called "ping pong king." his name was doc and his destiny was victory.


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